How to Become A Client

For more information on becoming a client, please call us at 518-456-2898. If you are calling on behalf of someone, please note that we do need to speak directly with all potential clients, unless there are extenuating circumstances. An in-home assessment is required to determine eligibility. 

Individuals requesting transportation must be able to walk on their own or with a walker. Please note we are unable to provide transportation for individuals in wheelchairs. 

Once approved for services, 10 days’ notice is required. We prioritize transportation to medical appointments and grocery shopping. Services are provided based upon the availability of volunteers. We will make every effort to fill requests, but we cannot  guarantee service. If no volunteer accepts the opportunity, we will contact the client as soon as possible. 

“Like many seniors, my husband and I want to remain in our home as we age, but it takes extra energy at a time when our energy is diminishing. Community Caregivers has helped make staying in our home possible.”

“The wonderful volunteers have provided consistency and dependable transport, and help with outdoor yardwork. We’ve also received support through the social worker.”

“There is always a lingering fear of “what if” as one ages. Our reaching out to the community has been met with reassuring words and action by Community Caregivers.”

“Thank you all so much!”

-Wilma Jenssen, Client